About Us

An Automotive Training Company Like No Other

We’re highly experienced professional course writers, trainers and videographers with one focus, and one focus only. To teach.

With extensive Manufacturer based experience in automotive diagnostics, engineering, repair and training, we bring our vast knowledge and experience to you via our interactive learning modules, face-to-face training sessions, and customised training materials.

Time constraints and pressure on technicians are significant, so we wanted to create learning solutions, both online, and hands-on, that make life easier for the unsung heroes of the motor industry.

We all know that diagnosing cars is difficult; we know it, because we’ve done it.

We deliver training you’ll find interesting, easy to understand and apply to your work, and in the subjects which matter to you.

Mission statement:

To help technicians repair vehicles and help the wider motor industry do their jobs better.


Create outstanding, industry leading training courses, whether online, face to face or mixed reality, covering all automotive topics.


Training courses need to be fit for purpose. They need to help learners do their jobs better. We value both our learners’ and their employers’ time, therefore the training we provide needs to contain a sufficient level of detail to make a difference. We will never intentionally tell a technical inaccuracy, we will never let ego get in the way of passing on facts and we will never teach a learner how to pass a test simply so they can achieve a certificate.

OVA Training Session

Electric vehicle training

Electric Vehicle Training

Our founder began the high voltage vehicle journey back in 2003 and we’ve kept our eye on the ball of electrification ever since.

We wholeheartedly believe we deliver the very best hybrid and electrical vehicle training there is. No matter your training requirement, be it light or heavy vehicle, racing series, technical awareness or specialist, we will be able to help.

If you can’t find the right electric vehicle training course on this site, contact us and we’ll gladly discuss writing an exceptional bespoke course which works perfectly for you and your team.

Take a look at our customer feedback.

Environmental Responsibilities

We care about the environment, we purchase our electricity from renewable sources, are serious recyclers and we try wherever possible to minimise our carbon emissions. We know we have a long way to go before being fully carbon neutral, however we’re very much on the journey and will continue to factor in the environment in our commercial decisions.

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Environmental responsibilities

Online Subscriptions

Our Training Centre is full of a wide range of courses, such as Essential Electrics, Engine Management, Hybrid Technology, and much more. We’re also adding new courses all the time.

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Face-to-Face Training

Come along to one of our face-to-face training sessions and learn hands-on practical skills with our experienced tutors.

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